
The Little Gallery... is getting bigger!

Over the past few years, I have been working with Arts Extensions Services through the University of Massachusetts Amherst toward a certificate in Arts Management. I am very happy to say that I have finished the core certification program in Arts Management this month. Over the past few years, I have studied Strategic Planning with Craig Dreeszen, Marketing and Arts Programming with Maren Brown, and Fundraising with Marete Wester.

From the Arts Extensions Services website:
"The Arts Extensions Services is one of the leading providers of community arts information and training in the nation. In our 30 years of operation, we have built a reputation for timely, accurate information that arts managers, civic leaders, volunteers, arts educators and artists can put to use today. Through our programs and services, we have served hundreds of thousands of people in the field, helping them to do their work more efficiently and effectively."

To learn more about Arts Extensions Servies, visit their website:

Arts Extensions services also offers a plethora of support for artists looking to professionalize and sustain their careers. http://www.artsextensionservice.org/index.php/artists Let them know I sent you!

We have chosen not to pursue non-profit status at this time because LynnArts and RAW Art Works, two local non-profits are already in place and competing for funding with these two fabulous arts organizations would be counter-productive on many levels. We also want to preserve the original vision of the gallery and have control over it as an artistic process in itself. However, we run the gallery as if it were a non-profit, with the best interest of our artists and our community at the core of all of our endeavors.

During my final course through AES, I put together a program plan for the upcoming VOICES: Mothers Who Create exhibition. This exhibition, our second annual exhibition for mothers, opens on February 6th. We are accepting work starting THIS MONDAY. Artists who enter early will be included in our initial run of advertising and promotions.

This year's exhibition will be accompanied by programming including the opening reception, a gallery discussion, a screening of one of C.M. Judge's FemLink film collages with a guest appearance and Q&A with C.M., a house party viewing of Pamela Boll's Who Does She Think She Is?, as well as a one-hour dance presentation by Encore.

To submit work for this upcoming exhibition, see our website.

To become a business partner with the gallery, contact us. We are looking for sponsors to help promote the exhibitions and programming in exchange for visual recognition in all of our print and promotions.

For more information about becoming involved with this exhibition and its programming through volunteering, contact us.

Your support over the past nearly four years has kept us going and I thank you! We're looking forward to 2010 and seeing you at the next gallery event!

* Above: Gallery guests getting up close to Ellen Shattuck Pierce's floor tiles from our last exhibition, FLOOR PLAY. We love that our guests take the time to really experience and learn about our artists and their work in our comfortable environment; we invite you to become a part of the conversation!

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