
Unju Sim Featured in "Making the Art Seen"

Unju Sim, one of the artists who exhibited in the Balance: Mothers Who Create exhibit, and honorable mention awardee, is featured in Sand T's newest project, "Making the Art Seen". 

Unju is an extraordinary artist and is well deserving of this latest recognition. To read her interview and see some of her newest works, visit Sand's new online gallery publication. 

Congratulations Unju! 

copyright owned by Unju Sim, Unknown Creature #1


Saturday Opening Reception at TLGUTS 2-5pm, drum circle to follow

You are cordially invited to the opening reception for
Important Things
Saturday, June 27th, 2-5pm
drum circle to follow

© 2009 Caleb Cole, Please 


Artists: Sara Ashodian, Claire Burke, Jane Coder, Caleb Cole*, 
Linda Kelly, Sarah Kinne, Becky Kisabeth Gibbs**, 
Gayle C. Heney, Jessica Lazarus, Jeannine Hunter Lazzaro, 
Ricardo Maldonado, Elise Mankes, 
Janet Parker, Ruth T. Segaloff, and Sand T**.
* Best of Show     **Exceptional Works

gallery hours:

Thurs 6:30 -8:30pm

Sat 10:00am -6:00pm

and by appointment



BIG News from TLGUTS

Hello! We have a lot going on over here at the gallery and wanted to let you know about the recent changes.

Current Exhibit
Important Things, our current exhibit, runs now through August 22. The opening reception is this coming Saturday, from 2-5pm, with a drum circle at 5pm. If you can't make the opening, stop by during our regularly scheduled hours, or call us to make an appointment. Check our new website for more information www.tlguts.com.

We launched a new website!
You can find information about the current and upcoming exhibits on our new website, www.tlguts.com. Please update any links to our old address with our new address. We are still moving information over, which we will soon complete. For now, the old website will redirect to this site.

This new site allows me to update the information in a more timely manner. I went against conventional wisdom by not waiting until the website is complete stylistically or back content wise because there's just too much new information coming in on a daily basis, and well, waiting until it was complete would havehindered our communications.

We launched a membership option!
With the growing number of people who want to become involved with the gallery, we have a new membership option. This membership policy creates a manageable work flow for the gallery, as well as allowing those who want to become more active various options of involvement.

We are updating our mailing list!
We also wanted to give you the opportunity to update your email preferences so that with these changes, you only receive the information you want to receive.We don't want to take up any more of your art making or art appreciating time than necessary.

To update your info or add yourself to our mailing list, complete this less than 30 seconds three question survey!

You can also use this survey to opt out if are working on a world changing project and don't have time to read our emails!

We have opened the Itty-Bitty shop
TLGUTS now includes a gift shop featuring hand-made items and art work priced under $100. This shop gives artists and artisans a place to sell their lesser priced, high quality works and prints. It also fills a niche in the downtown Lynn community by offering a quality, affordable retail option to our neighbors and audience. Each month we will feature a participating artist/artisan on our website. Members and are welcome to submit works for consignment. Exhibiting artists who are not members may consign qualifying work during the duration of their exhibits. This month's featured artist is Jeff Fioravanti. 

We are moving forward with our artists' resource room
We have transformed a studio room into an artist resource room. While this room is still in it's beginning stages, we currently offer members and exhibiting artists use of non-consumable materials such as a slide projector, a small, but growing library, wi-fi, a matboard cutter, a copy stand for photographing 2d art work, small hand tools, a sewing machine, and more. This project is still in its early stages, but is moving forward.

Mini solo exhibits
We will feature mini solos in our artist resource room which run concurrently with  our main exhibits, except when there is a solo exhibit in the main gallery. This is an opportunity for those in between exhibits, or for those with small bodies of work. The current mini-solo features artist Carol Calabro, This option is available for members only. 

Art Salons
Our months art salon for mothers will run the last Saturday of every month from 10am - 12pm. A general art salon is in the works. If you are interested, drop us a line and let us know when you are available.

We are starting a line of workshops, and are looking for presenters. Upcoming workshops include art as business workshops, color mixing, monotypes, and more. Check back for updates. Michiko Imai workshop registrations are ongoing for her calligraphy workshops and LynnArts will be hosting an artist trading cards workshop in August. Check their website for more information.

That's all folks! Thank you for your interest in TLGUTS!!


itty-bitty shop at TLGUTS open now!

THe Little Gallery under the Stairs announces the opening of it's "itty-bitty" shop. The shop, set in the gallery's alcove space, offers handmade objects, prints, and original works for under $100.00. Each month, we will feature a different artist on our website. July's artist is Jeff Fioravanti. 

Jeff, a Lynn based artist, has won numerous awards and has been included in many major art publications for his pastels. He is amongst the best our nation has to offer. His smaller Giclee prints are selling for $20.00, and notecards for $10.00. Quite a steal for such high quality imagery! Check out his website to see his beautiful work. Look for more about Jeff on our new website which we will be announcing this upcoming week!

Happy Father's Day to Jeff and all of the other Father-artists! 

Donna Dodson Exhibiting at Gallery Ehva

Donna Dodson, artist extraordinaire and founder of Art Salon Boston is exhibiting at gallery Ehva in Provincetown. She previously exhibited at TLGUTS in the "Goddess" exhibit. If you're in the area, or want to make a trip to Provincetown, this exhibit is worth seeing. 

Event: Donna Dodson, Andy Moerlein, Fawn Potash, Rob Westerberg
      "Contemporary Art Exhibition, July 3-15"
What: Opening
Host: Gallery Ehva
Start Time: Friday, July 3 at 6:00pm
End Time: Friday, July 3 at 8:00pm
Where: Gallery Ehva


Must Read for Artists


Orphan Works: Back Again


In Orphan Works Land, no news has been good news, but that's about to change:

US Copyright Register Marybeth Peters told Intellectual Property Watch that orphan works legislation is expected to be introduced within the next 10 days. It is her understanding there may still be some issues in the House version to be resolved, and there are some stakeholders - such as illustrators and other artists - "who are probably going to lobby pretty hard against it."
Peters said this issue is important to her, and the fact it came so close to passing last year is almost bittersweet. "What I hope it isn't ... is it's one magic moment you get" to finally get it passed, then it doesn't happen, she said.

We don't mean to disparage the Register's comments. She's had a long and distinguished career at the Copyright Office. But her statement deserves a reality check. Illustrators are not opposed to an orphan works bill. We're opposed to this bill.

We're opposed because its scope far exceeds the needs of responsible orphan works legislation.

Moreover, illustrators and artists are not the only stakeholders who oppose it. At last count, more than 83 creators organizations are on record against it, representing artists, photographers, writers, songwriters, musicians and countless small businesses:

Last year, we proposed amendments to the Orphan Works Act that would have made it a true orphan works bill. The amendments were drafted by the attorney who was chief legal counsel to the House Judiciary Committee in drafting the 1976 Copyright Act. The amendments were co-sponsored by the Artists Rights Society and the Advertising Photographers of America. 

They can be found here: 

On July 11, 2008, we submitted those amendments to both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees. In our preamble we wrote this:

As rights holders, we can summarize our hopes for the Orphan Works Act simply: to see that it becomes a true orphan works bill, with no unnecessary spillover effect to damage the everyday commercial activities of working artists. We'd be happy to work with Congress to accomplish this. No legislation regarding the use of private property should be considered without the active participation of those whose property is at stake.

Last year more than 180,000 letters were sent to lawmakers from our Capwiz site. These letters did not come from obstructionists. They came from citizens whose property is at stake. They may lack the resources of big Internet companies and the access of high powered lobbyists, but last year they spoke. They asked only one thing: that Congress respect their personal property rights and amend this bill to make it nothing more than what its sponsors say they want it to be - a bill that would affect only true orphaned work.

 We urge this Congress to listen.

- Brad Holland and Cynthia Turner for the Board of the Illustrators' Partnership


For news and information, and an archive of these messages:
Illustrators' Partnership Orphan Works Blog: http://ipaorphanworks.blogspot.com/

Over 83 organizations opposed the last Orphan Works bills, representing over half a million creators. Illustrators, photographers, fine artists, songwriters, musicians, and countless licensing firms all believe this bill will harm their small businesses.


Happy Fishing

I was just thinking about something. It has completely escaped me now. It was pretty important. Something I should do. A good idea. Something that was going to make something else better. Good ideas are sometimes fleeting. Ever happen to you?

It happens to me all the time. These fleeting ideas that are on the tip of my tongue make my tongue so heavy at times it's hard to speak at all. This is why I carry a notebook with me everywhere I go. I keep notes because I know I'll forget those ideas. I have a bunch of these notebooks. One for gallery ideas, one for inventions, one for sketching, one for consulting, a journal, one for home management... 

This week I'm going to do some reflective reading and see if I can find those gems that I should have remembered and turn them into action. 

My challenge to you is to fish through your journal or sketchbook this week, and see if you see any patterns in your work, anything you have done subliminally or knowingly in repetition, or any good ideas that you just haven't followed through on, and turn them into something concrete. If you feel so inclined, let me know how it goes.
Happy fishing.

Another Mother's Work Exhibit Good Luck Ladies!


A show for recent mothers to apply to, I thought you'd be interested.
Ellen Wetmore passed this along. Thank you Ellen!

A.I.R. Gallery
Open Call for Artwork in All Media
Pertaining to Parenting and/or Childbirth for Fall 2009 Exhibit at A.I.R. Gallery
“Mother/mother-", curated by Jennifer Wroblewski

Proposals must be postmarked or hand delivered to the gallery on or before July 1, 2009 at 6pm. Proposals submitted online must be received by 11pm on July 1, 2009.

EXHIBIT CRITERIA: The curator seeks work (by women and men) made during a pregnancy, or within five years of the birth of the artist’s child. The work submitted does NOT need to be specifically about parenting or childbirth. The curator is interested in work that was made during the same period as the artist was also engaged with the thrills and problems of parenting.